You can order your repeat medicines regularly via your pharmacy. Please ask them to order your repeat items from us every 2 months.
If you are not able to order your repeat medication via your pharmacy, you can do it in the following alternative ways:
- Online via emis Patient Access.
Log in to emis Patient Access What is emis Patient Access?
- Via the prescription order line on 0141 800 0272 option 2.
- Via post to the surgery. If you would like your prescription posted back to you, please include a stamped addressed envelope with your order.
Your prescription takes 3 working days to process at the surgery. If you have requested your prescription to go to a pharmacy please allow additional time for it to be dispensed by the pharmacy.
Hospital Requests
When you are discharged from hospital you should normally receive a one week supply of medication.
On receipt of your medication requirements, which will be issued to you by the hospital, please bring this to the surgery before your supply of medication has run out.
Hospital requests for change of medication will be checked by the GP first, and if necessary your Doctor will issue you with a Prescription. The Practice will endeavour to issue you with your prescription the following working day, but it cannot be issued until your medical details are checked by the Doctor.
The Doctors will review your medication, regularly, which may involve changes to your tablets, in accordance with current health Board policies. Please be reassured that this will not affect your treatment.