What are your opening times?
The Practice
We are open Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm.
How to I register with the Practice?
If you wish to register with the our Practice, you must attend in person at the reception desk. Please allow at least 15 minutes so that you can complete all your registration details. Your acceptance to be included on to the Practice list is at the discretion of the Doctor, and you must also meet the NHS entitlement criteria. If the GP is unable to accept you on to the Practice list you will be given a reason why your request to register has been declined.
How do I request a House Call ?
These are for people who are too ill or frail to attend the Practice. You must give the receptionist as much information as you can, this is very helpful to the Doctor so he/she can assess the nature of your condition. The receptionist will pass these details to the Doctor who is on call. The Doctor will then contact you to discuss your request. It is important that you give the receptionist your contact number.
Please help us by requesting any house calls before 10am.
How do I make an appointment?
You can do this by either phoning the surgery on 0141 800 0272 from 8:30am or in person at the reception desk for pre-bookable appointments.
We offer:
- Pre-booked appointments whereby you can book an appointment up to 4 weeks in advance to see most Doctors.
- Telephone consultations, you can request a telephone consultation if you prefer the Doctor , to contact you at a specific time to discuss your health concerns.
- If the appointments are full, and you feel that you have a medical condition that cannot wait, until the following morning or /afternoon then you will be given a time to attend by the receptionists to see a Doctor.
Why is the appointment line always busy, this is very frustrating as sometimes it can take me a while before my call is connected ?
Please note non-urgent requests such as completion of forms, letters and sick-lines are not classified as an emergency. In these situations you must wait for the next available appointment.
During peak call times it will take longer to connect to the service you require. This is especially true after weekends and public holidays. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Your patience is very much appreciated. The reception staff always attempt to answer calls as quickly they can.
Can two or more people use one appointment to see the Doctor?
No, when you arrange your appointment it is only for you, if you wish an appointment for another family member you must ask for another appointment to see the Doctor.
What happens if I am late for my appointment with the Doctor or Nurse?
If you are late you will only be seen at the discretion of Doctor or Nurse. If you are not seen you will need to re-appoint, after that day.
Why can’t I see my Doctor of choice sooner?
This is because either your Doctor of choice is on holiday or absent due to ill health, or more frequently some Doctors may have a higher demand rate from some patients to be seen by that Doctor.
I want to leave a message for my Doctor or the Nurse?
You can do this by leaving your message with the receptionists and she will then pass this to the Doctor/Nurse. Depending on your request the Doctor or the receptionists will return your call.
How to I arrange an appointment to see the Nurse?
You can do this either by phoning the appointment line on 0141 800 0272 or in person at the reception desk you can pre-book a Nurses appointment up to four weeks in advance if you wish.
Do I need an appointment to request medication that is not on repeat? (Special Request)
(Please refer to question further down)
Can I request medication that is not on my repeat list?
What can the nurse see me for?
The nurse can see you for any of these conditions and services.
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Heart
- Asthma
- Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease(Chest problems)
- Blood Pressure
- Epilepsy
- Family Planning
- Sexual Health
- Cervical Screening
- Minor Surgery
- General lifestyle advice
- Taking blood samples
How do I arrange vaccinations for my holidays?
In line with the vaccination transformation programme general practice will no longer be required to provide travel health services from 1st April 2022.
Patients should be asked to access information on what vaccinations are required, together with malarial and safe travel advice at Home – Fit for Travel The website allows patients to select their destination and then view the requirements for the destination before contacting the providers on the board website.
4 Travel Vaccines are available on the NHS (Typhoid, Hepatitis A, DPT and Cholera) at no direct cost to the patient. Any other vaccinations will incur a cost to the patient.
How do I request information regarding my vaccinations?
Please request this in writing or via our email [email protected]
It can take up to 28 days for any administration request.
How do I request a Repeat Prescription?
You can do this by:
- Asking your pharmacy to reorder for you (preferred method).
- Via online patient access.
- Phoning our prescription line.
- Sending in your request via post with a Self-Addressed envelope.
- In person, and leaving your request in our Prescription mail box at the front door.
How long must I wait for my Prescription?
Your repeat prescription will be available for collection after 3 full working days. For example requests made after 6pm, weekends or a public holiday, are actioned by the staff on the next working day, i.e ordered Saturday, next working day Monday, your prescription will be ready by Thursday.
Can I request medication that is not on my repeat list?
Yes, please do so using the same methods as you would for a Repeat Prescription request, the GP will check your request and if approved your prescription will be ready for uplift at the same time as your Repeat medication. If this has not been approved then the receptionist will let you know when you uplift your repeat items, or you maybe contacted by the staff. If your request has not been approved, the Doctor may ask you to arrange an appointment to see him/her to discuss your request further. Please do not use S.A.E. for special medication requests as these may be declined.
Are there Breast Feeding & Baby Changing facilities?
Yes you are welcome to breast feed your baby anywhere in the surgery. There are baby change facilities provided also.
How to I make a complaint?
If we are unable to resolve your complaint when you attend the Practice, then you can place this in writing and address this for the attention of the Practice Manager. We will acknowledge your letter, fully investigate your complaint and reply to your letter within 10 working days. You can also arrange an appointment to discuss the matter further with the Practice Manager.
Can I e-mail the practice concerning my medical conditions, or requesting information about my medical records?
How do I access and get to see my Medical Records?
Please place this in writing to the Practice Manager, who will then contact you and explain our procedure. Please bring at least two forms of identification with you.