All of our staff members hold confidentiality in the highest regard. Patients can be assured that no information from their records should be shared with another person without their knowledge and consent, either verbally or in writing.
Information Sharing
The practice complies with Data Protection and Access to Medical Records legislation. Identifiable information about you will be shared with others only in the following circumstances:
With your consent
- To provide further medical treatment for you eg from district nurses and hospital clinics
- To help you get other services outwith the surgery eg from Social Work
Where your consent is not necessary
- When we have a duty to others eg in child protection cases
Anonymised Information
Patient information which has had all identifying features removed and is anonymous, is used at a local and national level to help the Health Board and Government plan health services. If you do not wish your information to be used in this way, please let us know
Emergency Care Summary
All patients in Scotland have an Emergency Care Summary. This record holds your name, date of birth, surgery details, repeat medication list and any medication allergies. The information is held centrally and can be accessed through computers in Emergency Departments or at NHS 24. This basic information can be very helpful when your surgery is closed and you are dealing with an unfamiliar doctor. However, you can choose not to allow this information to be used by making an appointment with your GP and asking to opt out. For more information, you can call 0800 85 85 31.